Thursday, January 19, 2012

Crazy Weather

So as everyone know the weather has been pretty crazy all over the country! 
First: Rexburg

This time last year it looked like this

Sorry these pictures are blurry I obviously took them while driving woops! I'm pretty sure i was going to the sunset! Im sure it was much better in real life, any tips on how to photograph a sunset? It never looks as good... oh unless you use your tripod

sorry for the tangent, by the way... NO photoshopping here!

Any ways! this year it looks more like this outside
basically no snow (okay this is last year but i don't have pictures up loaded from this year... you get the idea though, right?)
Its January 19th and if you have ever been to Rexburg in the winter you know we are usually up to our necks in snow! 

Second: Seattle
What in the world is happening! My parents have basically been snowed in (in Seattle that means 8-10 in) for the past 4 days! and now their power is out! 
okay dont get me wrong we get snow is Seattle about once a year but not usually like this! 

This was taken 2 years ago at my parents house

Apparently its been declared a state of emergency?
Not only do they have 8-10 inches of snow but they also had freezing rain last night so now everything is covered in ice! 

Also apparently on the national news people have been calling Seattle wimpy... Well let's remember Seattle don't usually get snow so must people aren't prepared for it (power outages use, snow no), There are a million trees and and lots have been crashing down for the past 2 days, there are massive hills and its not Idaho where everyone has a CRAZY huge truck! 

Well most people that read this are from Seattle so I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir!

Anyways! hopefully things get better in Seattle! And we will see if we ever get snow in Idaho!

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